Train touristique de Bozouls, Bozouls Tourisme Aveyron
Discover Bozouls and its canyon, visit the Romanesque church of Sainte Fauste situated in the heart of the site. 1 hour walk with commentary Visit written in English. Train touristique de Bozouls, Bozouls | Aveyron tourism
Le petit train reprend du service
Coming from the north take a right turn at the first roundabout at the entrance to the town (signposted Trou de Bozouls) and basically keep going along that road. Eventually the road seems to come to a sort of full stop with a wide open space ahead of you and to the right.. There was a mini-train tour if you wanted to get to see the views.
Embarquez à bord du petit train de Bozouls et découvrez l'extraordinaire canyon !
Train touristique de Bozouls, Espalion Aveyron toerisme
Billetterie Vous trouverez la billetterie sur la Place de la Mairie, lieu de départ du petit train. La borne mobile tenue par les agents communaux est la seule habilitée à vous délivrer les billets. Les agents communaux pourront également vous renseigner et vous fournir de la documentation touristique. Tarifs du petit train
Bozouls (1h du camping)
1 Historical Tours from $22.39 per adult 2022 Full day tour with a english speaking driver guide Rocamadour and the most beautiful villages in France 1 Historical Tours
Bozouls s'anime cet été avec une offre d'activités touristiques exceptionnelles
Apr.10.2021 RYSAN / Shutterstock Destinations Europe France Residents of the French city of Bozouls have a unique view from their living rooms — a direct, 300-foot drop down. Located in the Aveyron region of southern France, the town has sat on the edge of a deep, crescent-shaped hole in the ground for almost 1,000 years.
Bozouls le petit train touristique reprend du service pour ce weekend pascal
Bozouls. Bozouls Tourism Bozouls Hotels Bozouls Bed and Breakfast Flights to Bozouls Bozouls Restaurants Bozouls Attractions Bozouls Pictures Bozouls Map Bozouls Guide.. All Bozouls Hotels Bozouls Hotel Deals By Hotel Type By Hotel Class Near Landmarks Near Train Stations Near Airports. Business Hotels Bozouls Family Hotels in Bozouls. 3.
Petit train touristique Mairie de Bozouls
Visite en petit train Au cours d'une heure de balade, ce petit train vous permet de découvrir les secrets de la formation de ce canyon naturel, l'histoire de Bozouls, le patrimoine du.